Release management planning tools
Release management planning tools

release management planning tools

As you see in Figure 1, release management is an important part of our overall Disciplined DevOps strategy. Release management must be an enabler of DevOps.Your release management team can coach your IT delivery teams in effective release strategies, can guide them in ensuring that their solutions are production ready, and can help in the planning and coordination of their release efforts. Your IT delivery teams, particularly new ones, may not have much experience deploying solutions into your operational environment. IT delivery teams need help to release their solutions into production.As the number of delivery teams rises, the greater the chance that their release efforts will conflict with one another. Your operational infrastructure is a shared environment, or more accurately a collection of shared environments, that your IT delivery teams deploy into. There are many delivery teams working in parallel.

release management planning tools

Ideally you should strive to pay down this technical debt.


(Source Wikipedia) Release management provides a governance framework for delivering large, highly integrated software changes within complex. Operational infrastructures become complex when there are many technologies in place, when there are different versions or configurations of those technologies, and when solutions are highly coupled to one another. Release management is the process of managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling a software build through different stages and environments, including testing and deploying software releases. The greater the complexity of your operational infrastructure the greater the risk that the release of new functionality into production will break something, hence the greater need for release management. They have a complex operational infrastructure.There are several reasons why enterprises adopt release management strategies: In the case of organizations with a “you build it, you run it” DevOps strategy these people may be one in the same, although even in these situations you will often find a group of people responsible for governing the overall release management effort. Release management requires collaboration by the IT delivery team(s) producing the solutions and the people responsible for your organization’s operational IT infrastructure. The release management process blade encompasses planning, coordinating, and verifying the deployment of IT solutions into production.

Release management planning tools